Lesley Veronika Photography

Kids Bucket List for Summer 2021

Well, virtual school is out and my kids are going to summer camp! Woot woot! They will be out of my house for the first time in 15 months!!! I’m so excited! I am one happy mama! 

However, I know that we only get 18 summers with our kiddos so we have some really fun things planned too! Summer is always so much fun, I love my kiddos and spending time with them, going to the beach, the water park, playdate at the pool with friends, back yard movies and fire with smore’s. Every single year we make a summer bucket list. Here’s our bucket list from a few summers ago and last summer. Some of the items are the same but there’s a lot of new ones added to the list as well. So here is my kids bucket list for this summer…

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Kiddie Pool

We don’t have a pool in our neighborhood so we spend a lot of time in our backyard. We have to rely on a good old fashion kiddie pool. The girls LOVE it! Olivia might be too old for it but I found a larger one at Walmart this year so it doesn’t feel so babyish. And both the girls love it! Im going to rock it for as long as possible. 



My girls LOVE water play whether it’s the beach, a pool or a sprinkler, they can play with water for hours! We buy a new one every year because the girls go through it every single summer. But its seriously the best $15. I spend every summer because they spend hours in it.


S’mores, fire pit and backyard movies –

Our absolute favorite summer activity is the fire pit in the backyard. Every summer we make s’mores. Last year we bought a projector and a screen and we do backyard movies. Its one of our favorite summer family activities. If you don’t have a projector I highly recommend you get one! We use ours A LOT! We use it in our home, out in the backyard! Its amazing!


Movie Day –

Olivia LOVES movies. She’s one of those kids that will sit and watch a three hour movie with no problem and never get distracted. She might be a little addicted to screens. :/ Thats a problem for mama come fall! haha! And I buy her a new movie every summer. I tend to encourage her towards my favorites as a kid BUT I am at a loss this year. So if you have a good kids movie for us! Please let me know! 


Jungle Rapids Water Park – 

Olivia is finally getting old enough to regularly visit the local water park. The kids LOVE going here so we make sure to go at least a few times a summer. Olivia is getting to the age where she can do water slides on her own. We end up getting season passes. Its going to be a blast! At least for the kiddos, this mama is scared of heights and water slides so my brave 8 year old will be doing them on her own! haha!


Trip to Kilwins Ice Cream

We have to visit our favorite ice cream shop in downtown Wilmington NC, Kilwins. They have the best ice cream and chocolates! We will be making a lot of ice cream trips to downtown Wilmington.


Since, we plan a lot for the kids over the summer,  I take an extremely limited amount of sessions each June, July and August. So, if you want those family beach portraits, get on the books now!

I have three spots left for June, four spots left for July and two spots left for August. This year my August is very busy but every wants those August time slots. Email me at [email protected] or fill out the form below to book your family portrait session.


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1 thought on “Kids Bucket List for Summer 2021”

  1. Pingback: How to enjoy your summer in a bathing suit | Body Positivity - Lesley Veronika Photography

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