Lesley Veronika Photography



My name is Lesley Frank and I am the owner and operator of Lesley Veronika Photography. Even at a young age, I have had a passion for photography. I loved the aesthetics and beauty it delivered but never understood why so many people hated having their picture taken. Body positivity was not something I had ever struggled with.


After the birth of my first daughter, Olivia, I had postpartum depression. I looked in the mirror and over analyzed everything I saw. I felt a disconnect between the person I had always been and the person looking back at me. I worked hard on my health to get myself to a place where I started to feel confident again, and then it happened again…


Enter baby number two. Amelia had arrived and so had another round of postpartum agony. This time I was more prepared. I had a boudoir session and it changed my perspective immensely. I looked at myself in those photos and thought, “Wow! I look so confident.” I saw my stretch marks and weight gain and realized, I don’t need to ERASE those things, I need to EMBRACE those things. That session made me fall in love with photography even more. I realized what an empowering tool photography can be.

My mission as a photographer

…is to share that gift with you, so when you look at your family portraits the first thing you notice is the smiles on the faces of your children. We tend to be the most critical of ourselves but my photography is meant to focus on empowering you.

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