Lesley Veronika Photography

Wilmington NC Family Photographer

Wilmington NC Family Photographer | Corbin Davis Family Session

Wilmington NC Family Photographer

As a Wilmington NC Family Photographer one of my favorite places to photograph is Greenfield Lake. There are so many different areas around the lake that are gorgeous and you can get a different session every time depending on the spot you choose. The Davis session was no exception. Corbin choose the Fragrance Garden over by the amphitheater. I am so blessed to live in an area with so many gorgeous locations and even more blessed for clients like the Davis family.


The day of the family session

Their daughter, Vivian stayed pretty close to mom and dad at first. She was feeling a little shy (which is totally normal, especially for this age.) I could tell by the end of the session, she was becoming more comfortable with me. She just snuggled and loved on her mom and dad and Corbin and Ryan returned the snuggles. It made my job so incredibly easy.  They just enjoyed being together, in the moment, which is what family sessions should be.  As we walked around the Fragrance Garden at Greenfield Lake, we chatted about where we’re from, how Ryan and Corbin met and where they went to school. It was a wonderful morning, I felt as if I was chatting with friends.  Oh and you could just tell, Ryan adored Corbin. He looked at her with the most admiration and love. This was the sweetest and snuggliest family of three and I just adore them and these images. <3

To see more of my work follow me on Instagram here and Facebook here. And to see family session pricing check out my family session page here.

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Are you ready to book your beautiful family portraits at Greenfield Lake Fragrance Garden? Fill out the form below and I will be in touch shortly.

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