Lesley Veronika Photography

Valentine’s Day Mini Session | Hampton and Keegan

Valentine’s Day mini sessions to benefit Coastal Horizons 

I was very excited to be joining up with Coastal Horizons Open House Youth Shelter for my Valentine’s Day event this year! The event took place on Saturday, February 4th. All proceeds from the event went to Coastal Horizons. This non profit organization does wonderful things for the women and children right here in our community. If you haven’t heard from them before please check out their website here

Hampton and Keegan

These two cuties were so much fun to photograph. Its quite amazing at how different their personalities are and I truly think these image capture their personalities… even if it’s just a little bit. Hampton was smooth and calm. He sat and smiled for me with ease. The camera loves him. I couldn’t take a bad photo of him even if I tried. And Keegan, he was so much fun! He was hoping and jumping around, like most 3 year old boys do but he definitely marched to the beat of his own drum! I especially love the last image where he broke his heart and the look on his face is the sweetest. I know mom will love and cherish these images of her two boys through the years. She will look back on them and remember what they were like at the age they are now. A photo is not about a piece a paper or a digital file, its about a feeling… nostalgia, joy, love and maybe a little bit of sorrow… mom will think that her boys are growing up way to fast and wish time would slow down. Happy Valentine’s Day 2017!


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