Lesley Veronika Photography

#1 what to wear tip for mamas, what to wear to your family portrait session, family wardrobe ideas

The #1 what to wear tip I give to mamas…

As a family photographer of 14 years, (Whoa! When I say it like that it makes me sound old. lol!) one of the most common questions I get is, “what do I dress my family in?”

It’s not uncommon for moms to feel self-conscious about their appearance, especially with societal pressures and unrealistic beauty standards. They might worry about how they will look in the pictures, whether their imperfections will be highlighted, or if they’ll feel uncomfortable during the session.

However,  you are beautiful just the way you are. Every body is unique and tells a story of love, sacrifice, and strength. Family portraits are not about conforming to certain ideals but capturing genuine moments of joy and connection with your family.

However, being in front of the camera myself for my own family portraits, trying to figure out what to dress everyone in is stressful.

This is the #1 tip what to wear tip I give to mamas…

Dress yourself first so you are feeling hella good and confident about yourself. And then base everyone’s outfit around yours.

But that is always easier said then done, am i right?

So exactly how do you feel confident in your clothes?

  • The first thing, wear the correct size. Clothes that fit not only look better (especially in portraits) and not only are more comfortable, they also give you more confidence. Sounds counter intuitive doesn’t it? But its not… when you wear clothes that are your size, there’s no camel toe or muffin top or tightness that makes us feel like we have done something wrong if were not the “correct” size.

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  • Dress for the vibe you are going for. Are you a casual family that wears t-shirts and jeans everyday? Then don’t try to dress up in a formal dress for your family photos. It wont feel like you and you’ll feel and you’ll look awkward in your photos.

Wilmington NC family session, family sessions, family portraits

  • Accessorize!!! Adding the right accessories can not only complete an outfit and help you feel more confident but they look amazing in portraits. Choose items that you feel good in and that complement your outfit. Scarves, belts earning, necklaces, bracelets and even shoes can make you feel you good about your body.

downtown Wilmington NC, family portraits, Family of five portraits

Remember that confidence ultimately comes from within and is not based on what you wear. This quality time with your family, moments you share and the little things with your kiddos is what is truly important.

Want even more tips on how to feel confident in front of the camera? Then follow me on Instagram. 

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