Lesley Veronika Photography

Quinn’s Mommy and Me Session | Wilmington NC Family Photography

Quinn’s Mommy and Me Session

First of all, I am so excited to share this beautiful session of Quinn and her stunning kids. I photographed them at the Temple Garden in Landfall in Wilmington NC. It was the perfect location for her mommy and me session. The grassy field was great for Quinn to chase her kiddos around, twirl them and love on them. She played in the magnolia leaves on the ground with them and they explored all the nooks that the trees and bushes make. She just enjoyed being with her kids and that’s what I love about my families. Its not about the images… well maybe a little, 😉 most of all, it’s about the moments. Its about the time we have with our family. As we all know our kids grow up way too fast. Quinn will love and treasure these images as her kiddos grow through the years.

Lesley Veronika Photography Mommy Program

Quinn is a part of my Mommy Program. It is by invitation only. There are many parts to this program but mainly it is about two things… feeling beautiful and spending time/having fun with your family.

All to often I hear the words ‘I don’t like the way I look in photos.’ This breaks my heart. Unfortunately in today’s society there is a negative stigma on woman’s idea of beauty. I have met very few women in my life that felt comfortable in their own skin and loved the way they look. But I want to change that idea. I want you and every women out there to believe in herself and believe that she is beautiful. That is what the mommy program is all about, having the confidence to get those images taken and loving the way you look in them. All while spending time with your kids and having beautiful family portraits taken. 

Thank you Quinn

Quinn, thank you so much for joining my mommy program. I am so excited and honored to capture your beautiful family over the next year. You are one of the sweetest people I have ever known and you are an amazing mother to those two gorgeous kids. Your love and devotion is absolutely an inspiration. I can not wait to see your kids grow through the years. Cheers to many more happy and healthy years. 




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1 thought on “Quinn’s Mommy and Me Session | Wilmington NC Family Photography”

  1. Pingback: Sosne Family Portraits | Family Photography at Airlie Gardens - Lesley Veronika Photography

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