Lesley Veronika Photography

family session, landfall family portraits, Wilmington NC, family photographer

Murphey Family Session | Landfall Family Portraits

So it’s been a few years since your family session? So what! It’s okay, if you don’t get your family session taken every year. What!! Can you believe I just said that?

Yes, I think it’s important to get family portraits taken every year, especially while the kiddos are little (they change so much). But I get it… life is busy. Your daily schedules, school, lunches, sporting events, extracurricular activities, play dates, putting out fires throughout the day and then the fatigue at night consumes your body. You go to bed having to do it all over again the next morning. Believe me, as a mom of two girls, I get it. Family portraits is probably the very last thing on your mind. I completely understand how a few years go by. Then you realize, “Oh geez, when was the last time we got family portraits taken?”

That is exactly what happened with the Murphey Family. I photographed their family every other year back when their kiddos were little. The last time was in 2019. Then bam! The pandemic hit. Life got put on hold for everyone. Kerry got in touch with me a few times after things started to get back to normal but things kept getting in the way. Finally three years later we did it!! Her kiddos barely remembered me because it had been so long. Haha!

But its really ok, because we still got beautiful images of Kerry’s family and that’s all that matters. Capturing this time as a family is exactly what Kerry wanted. To capture the calm after the storm. She was able to update her family wall portraits after three years and that’s what it’s about. Walking past those memories everyday and smiling.

So if it’s been a few years or 10, don’t worry about it and schedule your family session with your favorite photographer now. You don’t have a favorite photographer? I got you beau! 😉 Scroll to the end to contact me.


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family session, landfall family portraits, kids portraits, North Carolina family sessions

It’s not too late to schedule your family portraits. Fill out the form below and we will be in touch with you soon!


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