Lesley Veronika Photography

surviving motherhood as an introvert, Wilmington NC Family Photographer, Quarantine, Covid-19, Wilmington nc, mommy and me, giveaway

Mommy and Me | Instagram Giveaway

Mother’s Day during a Pandemic

Seriously, if you are anything like me you are sooo over COVID-19 right now. I know all us mamas are working our buts off at keeping life together right now. If you are anything like me you are laying on the guilt because maybe you are struggling with homeschooling, or working from home, maybe your house is a mess, maybe your kids are in front of screens all day, err day. Lets face it, your life is probably more like that second photo above. 🙂 You know what… its OK! It really is. This is a weird time for all of us. There is no right or wrong way to navigate this season of life right now. If you are dropping the ball on certain things… those balls will bounce back. The balls that won’t bounce back are your kids and your health. So if you are focusing all your time and energy on those two things, you are doing a good job! 


Mommy and Me Session Giveaway!

To spread a little joy this Mother’s Day I am doing a little giveaway! You must be a Wilmington NC local. I am giving away ONE Mommy and Me session with a custom Coffee Table Book! Head on over to my Instagram page to enter! Its super easy!


Dont want to take your chances? Fill out the form below to book your Mommy and Me session! 

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