Lesley Veronika Photography

Mom life during COVID-19 | #covidquarantinechronicals

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Mom Life during COVID-19

It feels so surreal. This odd time we’re living in, life during the Corona Virus. Those of us with kids are trying to balance a home/work life more so than ever. For me, Ive had some good days and Ive had some bad. There has been some trial and error for all of us. This mom life during COVID-19 has not been easy. The one thing I have missed the most is photography. I miss my clients in the worst way. 🙁 So, I have spent as much time as possible documenting this time in our lives as possible. This is history in the making. 


Its so incredible watching the news and seeing the empty streets on NYC and the doctor and nurses on the front lines of the battle of COVID-19. When I was going to school for photography I wanted to be a photojournalist for this exact reason… to document history. After I got married and had kiddos of my own, a life of photojournalism wasn’t conducive to the mom life. So my priorities changed and family photography became my calling. And I LOVE every minute of it. 

Almost two weeks ago when COVID-19 changed the US forever, it took some time for me to adjust, as I am sure it was a huge adjustment for all of us. I went from working full time and my kids being at school all day, to a stay at home mom in the blink of an eye. 

Documenting the days

The only thing I could do was start documenting the days. Its the only thing that felt normal to me. And now more than ever, I miss photographing families and my clients in the worse way. 

During this time, I am so glad I picked up my camera and even my phone. You staying at home with your kids is just as important as the doctors and nurses working their asses of at the hospitals to help save people, and the grocery store workers risking their health so others can have food, or the teachers and educators who are signing on to Zoom and working countless hours behind the scenes to make sure our kiddos are still educated. 

Though it might seem as though you aren’t doing much at all other then sitting on your butt and making sure your kids stay alive… you are doing more then you know and you should document it, capture it, create it for history. Pick up your digital camera, or even your phone and make sure you are capturing the day to day at home. I want to know and see how you are doing. I want you to capture the fun moments, the frustrating moments, the moments that you feel like you just can not go another minute of this new life you are living. And then post them using #covidquarantinechronicles. I will share your stories on my IG and FB stories. And together we can document the Covid-19 Quarantine. So check out my mom life during COVID-19 below.


wilmington nc family photographer, mom life during covid-19
Day 61: Self Quarantine –

Yesterday marked two months in quarantine. 😬 Over the weekend Governor Cooper lifted a few restrictions on the stay at home order. There are some retail locations and public places now open. Not much has changed for us. I thought there would be a day, that I could official say Quarantine is over!! I’m not so sure there will be, maybe it will just happen gradually. In other news, I can start photographing people other then my kids! 🤣 So I am slowly taking on a small amount of clients until the stay at home order is official lifted. Yay! In fact, I started on Saturday, with a senior session that was very much deserving!


wilmington nc family photographer, mom life, covid-19

Day 58: Self Quarantine-

Motherhood is not always easy. Especially during our stay at home order. It hasn’t been easy these last two months but there is no one else I’d rather spend my Quarantine with! Happy Mother’s Day to all the mamas! Wishing you all a wonderful day! 💐


wilmington nc family photographer, mom life during covid-19

Day 54: Self Quarantine –

Ok Corona, I’m over this. We have officially done alllllll the things! I’m out of ideas! We are starting over again and as the weather gets warmer we’re going outside more. The one thing I can count on is bubbles! 💕🤣 The girls love them and will play with them for hours!



wilmington nc family photographer, mom life during covid-19

Day 52: Self Quarantine –

Almost every time we leave our house ends up being a disaster. 🤦‍♀️ We went to the beach today. I read on the local news sites, they’re open. When we got there, I noticed there was no one parked in the parking lots. The roads seemed busy with people walking their dogs and biking though. I pulled into one of the public beach access parking lots to check to see if anyone was out on the beach. I left the girls in the car and was just going to run up the dune to see if anyone is out on the beach. I didn’t even get half way up the beach when a police officer pulled in behind me. Oops! No parking allowed! 😬 Thank you to the officer who didn’t give me a ticket!


wilmington nc family photographer, mom life, cover-19
Day 49: Self Quarantine –

We are wrapping up week 6 of homeschool/virtual learning. I am so proud of this sweet girl. It’s been an adjustment and it hasn’t always been easy but we are finally getting the hang of it. And Olivia has been taking it all in great strides. She is way more patient than I will ever be. 💕 It’s finally May! 💐 *Cue @nsync song.* That means only four more weeks until summer break. I don’t know if I’m happy or sad about that.


wilmington nc family photographer, mom life, cover-19
Day 48: Self Quarantine –

Last week was rough. I was in a funk, the girls were constantly bickering and everyone was cranky. I think the girls were sensing my anxiety. 🤪 This week I pulled my sh*t together. With a lot of love from friends, family and you guys, some rest and relaxation and some me time, I got out of my anxiety spiral and am feeling much better. Not 100% but can you really be anxiety free during a pandemic while stuck in your house? 🤷‍♀️ This week the weather has been perfect so we’re getting a lot of outside time. There have been a lot of laughs, a lot of snuggles and kisses and some QT. But don’t get me wrong, there are still tears and bickering and anxiety… just a lot less of it.


wilmington nc family photographer, mom life, cover-19
Day 46: Self Quarantine –

Toot, toot! Hot mess express coming through. This little stinker is having a hard time lately. Lots of tears, fighting with her sister and getting into everything she’s not suppose to, like her Easter chocolate. 🤦‍♀️ Maybe it’s terrible twos or maybe it’s the fact that we’ve been stuck at home for over 6 WEEKS!!!


wilmington nc family photographer, mom life, cover-19

Day 42: Self Quarantine –

Thank you to everyone who sent DMs and comments yesterday. I had a bad day and I aired it out on social media. If youre anything like me, you go through good days and bad days during this uncertain time. I realized we have been at this for almost 6 weeks yesterday and my heart sunk. I felt as if I couldn’t go on any longer. But luckily everyone’s encouragement and my own self will to pull myself out of it has made me feel so much better. That’s the good thing about me, when I’m down, I’m not down long. I always make myself get back up again. I shut the bad thoughts out, realize I’m stronger then I think and I grit my teeth and bare it. So this is me, being strong for myself and for my kids.


wilmington nc family photographer, mom life, cover-19

Day 41: Self Quarantine –

This week has been rough. It has not been all kisses and snuggles this week. This IG photo is deceiving. We started Monday coming off of spring break and attempted to get back into some kind of routine. It’s been a sh*t show. We’re all so cranky and we’re just being so nasty to each other. I’m going stir crazy and I think we all need some space and need to get out of this house. I took the girls for a walk on the Brunswick Riverwalk this morning. It helped while we were out but as soon as we were home, the stress and emotion just came flooding back.

I can not wallow in myself pity, I won’t allow myself too. I’m just going to shake it off and keep on truckin’. I might be a hot emotional mess right now but for my kids, I’m forcing that sh*t away and putting on my best smile. Such is mom life during COVID-19.


Wilmington NC Family Photographer, Quarantine, Covid-19, Wilmington nc, mommy and me

Day 39: Self Quarantine –

Rainy days and running out of things to do means I let the girls play in the rain and mud puddles. They loved it! I’m very rarely the mom that lets them make a mess. When they ask or I think about it the thought that comes after is how exhausting all the clean up sounds. At least they had rain jackets on. It felt good being the fun mom for a change. 💕


wilmington nc family photographer, mom life, cover-19
Day 36: Self Quarantine –

We’ve got BIG plans this weekend! JK! We’re still sitting at home. We will have a lot of cuddles, watch movies (Onward has been on our list to watch), some Zoom calls with family and spend a lot of quality time together. 💕 This has been a hard time for all of us, whether you’re a mama staying home and homeschooling your kiddos or someone who is still working because your job is essential, it’s stressful. Two things that are getting me through it is spending quality time with my family and doing things for me, like photographing our life at home during COVID-19. So this weekend, do something that makes you happy. Whether that’s playing with your kiddos or locking yourself in your room with a glass of wine. 🍷 That is mom life during COVID-19.


wilmington nc family photographer, mom life, cover-19

Day 35: Self Quarantine –

Check on your extrovert friends, they are not ok. My sweet little Olivia is outgoing. She loves to be around people and she’s missing her friends like crazy. I am introverted and I’m going stir crazy so I can’t even imagine how all you extroverted people are feeling. 🤣 Thankfully, Olivia is getting all her virtual hugs to friends and family via FaceTime and Zoom. ⠀


wilmington nc family photographer, mom life, cover-19

Day 33: Self Quarantine –

Well the girls are technically on spring break this week. So far we have completely dropped our schedule, have had waaaay too much screen time, have almost finished the easter candy and Ive had all the wine… ALL.OF.IT! Oh well! I think we could all use a break anyway. At least I dont have to fight Olivia to do her writing assignments. This is mom life during COVID-19.


wilmington nc family photographer, mom life, cover-19

Day 31: Self Quarantine –

The Easter bunny left eggs in the back yard for the kiddos. Easter sure looks different this year but we are making the best of it! Happy Easter! 🐰⠀


wilmington nc family photographer, mom life, cover-19
Day 29: Self Quarantine –

Happy Friday! Our family has made it 4 weeks in quarantine. It’s been an interesting ride. ⠀
😳☺️🤗☹️😫🤪🤣😁 ⠀
These are all the emotions I go through… some times in one day. ⠀
In other news, we’ve decided to start potty training this sweet girl. So wish me luck

wilmington nc family photographer, mom life, cover-19

Day 28: Self Quarantine –

This is me, checking in on you. 👋 How is your mental health today? If you’re anything like me, you have good days and bad days. I’m choosing to focus on the good. During normal times it’s easy to get caught up in the day-to-day activities. Work, driving kids to school and ballet, cooking dinner and school work. There is so much to do all the time and it can be hard to be really present. It’s been nice to slow down and really focus on my kids (even when I don’t want to 😂🤫)


wilmington nc family photographer, mom life, cover-19

Day 27: Self Quarantine –

Ahhhhh! 🤬 Homeschooling is NOT my forte! Especially with a 7 year old who wants to do anything but school work! Teachers seriously need a raise! I am so lucky because Olivia is so smart but she needs a little help getting motivated. 🤪 The first two weeks went pretty well. She was doing her school work with no problem! Now the distraction of screens, her sister, food and outside play are too tempting and she sits staring at the piece of paper instead of doing it. Seriously send help!


Easter eggs, mom life, cover-19

Day 26: Self Quarantine –

We are gearing up for Easter. It’s so weird to me that Easter is this Sunday. How is that possible? Our Easter is looking a little different this year. We’re missing our family and friends and Easter traditions. At least our Easter activities are keeping us busy this week. I’ve got egg dying, egg hunt and a big brunch planned for just the 4 of us. 🍳


wilmington nc family photographer, mom life, cover-19

wilmington nc family photographer, mom life, cover-19
Day 24: Self Quarantine –

Fun with bubbles. My @target package arrived with all kinds goodies. Some for the kids Easter basket and some for every day play. Bubble solution was high on the list. I knew it would entertain the kids for a while and it did… they played with bubbles for an hour! Yes! Total mom win! What activities are you doing to keep your kids entertained during the covid Quarantine?


wilmington nc family photographer, mom life, cover-19

Day 23: Self Quarantine –

With all this gorgeous weather we are spending a lot of time outside. 🌤Olivia is my little scientist. I love that she loves bugs! 🐛 She’s so curious about the world around her and absorbs information so easily. She could so easily be holding the world in this image. 🌎 I will teach her there is more in this life then beauty. I will teach her about kindness, compassion, hard work, dedication, to be brave, to stand up for herself and what she believes in, understanding, self-respect, that she doesn’t need a man to tell her, her self worth and I will teach her so much more. Because she deserves the world. 💕⠀


wilmington nc family photographer, mom life, cover-19

Day 21: Self Quarantine –

It’s Friyay!! Tomorrow is the weekend!… JK! We will be doing the same thing we have been doing for the last three weeks, sitting at home! 🤣😫

wilmington nc family photographer, mom life, cover-19
Day 20: Self Quarantine –

We did absolutely nothing today. We were on screens way too much or go outside much. And schedule… what schedule? 🤷‍♀️ And you know what? I’m totally ok with that. It’s called balance.


Day 19: Self Quarantine –

Life is starting to becoming kinda ordinary. I think we’ve finally adjusting to this stay at home thing. I don’t know, ask me again tomorrow. Lol! We’re getting a lot of QT as a family and so far so good. We’re not sick of each other… yet. 🤣


Day 17: Self Quarantine –

It’s crazy to me how much negativity and hurtful words I’ve seen flying around the internet. We’re all in this uncertain time together. We may be stuck in our homes and feeling like we’re in this alone but we’re not. We have to stand together to get through this, we have to make sure we are choosing kindness over hatred. Its time to lift each other up! Who is with me? 💪


Day 16: Self Quarantine –

This weekend the weather has been wonderful so we’ve spent most of it outside: popsicles, sidewalk chalk, kiddie pool, swing set. But we’re starting to run out of things to do. Give me all your ideas below. We want both inside and outside activities.


Day 14: Self Quarantine –

We made it two whole weeks! I’m tired! 🤣 Luckily these two munchkins aren’t sick of each other yet. We had a few quick tiffs between the two but some “reasoning” fixed them before it turned into full blown fights. Hopefully we will make it two more weeks and more.


Day 12: Self Quarantine –

Yesterday was tough. I was emotionally exhausted. I just felt defeated. John took over dinner duty, and bath time for Amelia so I was able to quarantine myself and my wine away from everyone. I felt so much better after that and Olivia and I ended up having a pillow fight in our living room. And truth be told it felt good to get some of my frustrations out by hitting my 7 year old with a pillow! 🤣


Day 11: Self Quarantine –

It’s a pretty rainy day here so I’m trying to keep the kids entertain indoors. Coloring, pretend play, living room picnic for lunch, a dance party in the afternoon and we did take the dog for a walk quickly when the weather allowed us too. Whew! I’m tired! 😴 Please let the sun come out tomorrow! 🤞


COVID Quarantine Chronicles, Wilmington NC child photographer, cover-19, corona virus, Wilmington NC family photographer, Leland nc family photographer
Day 10: Self Quarantine –

The governor of NC has extended the closing of schools to at least May 15. *Deep breath* Although I was expecting it, it’s still not going to be easy. I’m trying to entertain the kids as much as possible, it hasn’t been all fun and games. We’ve had our good days and our bad. We’ve had cranky moments and joyful moments. It’s definitely been a roller coaster ride but we’re getting through it and on the other side we will come out stronger. 💪


Day 8: Self Quarantine –

SCREENS.ALL.DAY!!! This mama needs a break. 


Wilmington NC child photographer, cover-19, corona virus, Wilmington NC family photographer, Leland nc family photographer
Day 7: Self quarantine –

We made it a week! Yay! 🎉👏 We’re finally starting to get this homeschooling thing down. I think! 🤞 It took some trial and error and a very distracting 2 year old for me to realize Olivia has to do her school work while Amelia naps. Ive set up my preschool portrait desk in my office for Olivia to use for school work. She gets her homework done. And I get some work done too. Yes! Mom win!


Wilmington NC child photographer, cover-19, corona virus, Wilmington NC family photographer, Leland nc family photographer

Day 6: Self Quarantine –

I’m pulling out every trick in the book because we are starting to go a little stir crazy! 🤪 Face painting, popsicles, dress up and a lot of time outside. I’m doing my best to stay positive for the kids. Truthfully, I am emotionally burnt out. I haven’t had a minute to myself in 6 days. And I’m an introvert!!!! 🤣 But not only that, I feel so helpless. I see in the news all the emergency workers, doctors and nurses do their part, risk their lives, send their children to be looked after someone else so they can go to the front lines of the battle of COVID-19. Everyday, I am amazed how we have come together as a society across the world. I want to say thank you to everyone who is doing their part… even if that means staying at home with your kids! 🤗


Day 4: Self Quarantine –

Homeschooling with a 2 year old in the house is impossible. 


COVID Quarantine Chronicles, Wilmington NC child photographer, cover-19, corona virus, Wilmington NC family photographer, Leland nc family photographer

Day 3: Self Quarantine – 

John and I have made the decision to self quarantine. We are not making any unnecessary visits out of the house. It’s not going to be easy but for the health and safety of our family it’s the decision we’ve made. I think everyone has to make that decision on their own. It’s not easy to stand idle and watch the world in the state it is now but to help my sanity I’m focusing on what I am grateful for. Mine and my family’s health and some much needed QT with my kiddos. 💕


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