Lesley Veronika Photography

A letter to moms | Mommy and Me Sessions

A letter to you…

Dear Moms, 

    Yes, you! As a mother myself, I know we live in the everyday. The bandaids and soccer practice, homework and dinner. We see our children at their best, rocking that spelling bee. And their absolute worst, total epic meltdown in the middle of the grocery store. We have days when we feel we can take on the world. We have days where we can’t remember the last time we showered.

   So this is for you… for all the mamas out there that have said, “Not right now.”, “I am not photogenic.”, “Let me lose 15 pounds first.”  These cringe worthy things are all things I have heard. I, myself have thought them or said some of them. Or maybe pictures with your babies are not even a thought. But let me ask you, when was the last time you were in pictures with you kids? Let me drop this truth bomb on you, you can NEVER have enough pictures with you and your kids, no matter if they are 4 or 40. The bigger truth here is, they can NEVER have enough pictures with you. 

   These photos are for them… your babies. When they look back at these images 30 years from now, they won’t think, “mom needed to lose 15 pounds”, they will think you were beautiful. They won’t see the wrinkles on your face or the weight you put on from Christmas, they won’t see the bags under your eyes. Your kids will see you, in all your amazingness, in all your happiness and joy of being a mom. 

So, make it happen now, make today the day. You will have a thousand reasons why today isn’t the day for a session with your kids, but let me tell you, mom to mom, who has learned the hard way, tomorrow NEVER comes… today is THE day.  I promise you, YOU NEED THIS!  So, pick up the phone and schedule your session, the session that will capture you and your kids, the session that not only you will love for years to come but your kids will love more and more as they grow through the years. 


Wilmington NC Family Photographer, wilmington nc family photos, family photography, mommy and me, mini sessions, wilmington nc mini sessions, wilmington nc greenfield lake

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