Lesley Veronika Photography

Let’s be grateful! | Wilmington NC Family Photography

Whoa! Thanksgiving is a week a way! Before we know it, it will be here. We keep ourselves constantly busy, constantly working, constantly wanting more. I, myself am guilty. I find myself wanting a new handbag, new hardwood floors or an expensive vacation. This week, I want to stop and remember all the things I am grateful for. It’s easy to get sucked into “keeping up with the Jones” lifestyle but there are so many people out there who are not as lucky. We, The Frank Family have a lot and we have each other. This Holiday season, I am going to make an active effort to work less and spend more time with my family. I absolutely LOVE my job as a family photographer, especially in this great place of Wilmington NC. But I sometimes need to tell myself to work less. I know it sounds insane but my family often get put aside for my crazy work schedule and overwhelming pile of things to do. That is why, I am going to slow down and enjoy this Holiday season with my family. 
What are you grateful for this Holiday season? Tell me below!
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