Lesley Veronika Photography

family photography, kids bucket list, keeping kids entertained

Kids Bucket List for Summer 2020

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Well, virtual school is out and now I have to keep my kids entertained for ANOTHER 3 months. *insert half laughing, half crying here* We’ve spent the last 3 months home because of COVID-19 and the summer isn’t looking any different. COVID doesn’t seem to be leaving anytime soon. 🙁

So, to help some of the boredom this summer we put together a stay at home summer bucket list. Here’s our bucket list from last summer. Some of the items are the same but there’s a lot of new ones added to the list as well. So here is my kids bucket list for this summer…


Kiddie Pool

We don’t have a pool in our neighborhood so we have to rely on a good old fashion kiddie pool. The girls LOVE it! Olivia might be too old for it next year but I am getting at least one more year out of it! Haha! We bought this one on Amazon this year. 



My girls LOVE the water. Whether it’s the beach, a pool or a sprinkler, they can play with water for hours! We bought an LOL sprinkler ball last year and it’s still going strong! YES! Amazon no longer has the LOL one but here is a really super cute one


S’mores, fire pit and backyard movies –

Our absolute favorite summer activity is the fire pit in the backyard. Every summer we make s’mores. This year we bought a projector and a screen and we’re going to do back yard movies. It’s going to be so much fun! If you are looking for a projector we bought this one from Amazon


Bake a cake (Find a new recipe) –

One of my favorite things to do is bake. As a mother I don’t often have time unless the girls “help”. Lol! So to make it interesting, we’ve decided to try a new recipe. We are going to search Amazon for a cookbook for a new cake to bake


Movie Day –

Olivia LOVES movies. And I buy her a new movie every summer. I tend to encourage her towards my favorites as a kid BUT this time I didn’t win. She picked Trolls World Tour


Pajama Day –

The girls LOVE being in their PJ’s so we’re going to pick one day or maybe a few to stay in their PJs all day. I bought Olivia and Amelia these cute PJ’s from Amazon


Stargazing –

My little scientist LOVES the stars. I’ve downloaded a free app called SkyView lite. You hold up your phone to the sky and it shows you where all the planets, stars and constellations are located. 


Flashlight Tag –

So I have to admit, we stole this one from a friend. We’ve never played flashlight tag but when Olivia saw it, she was so excited to try it so I had to add it to the list. So I’ve ordered these flash lights and we are going to have blast in the backyard!


Since, my kiddos are home for the summer and because of Rona, I take an extremely limited amount of sessions each June, July and August. So, if you want those family beach portraits, get on the books now!

I have two spots left for June, three spots left for July and six spots left for August. Email me at [email protected] or fill out the form below to book your family portrait session.

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1 thought on “Kids Bucket List for Summer 2020”

  1. Pingback: Kids Bucket List for Summer 2021 - Lesley Veronika Photography

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