Lesley Veronika Photography

Holiday gift guide for mom, amazon gifts, amazon Christmas 2019, Christmas gifts

Holiday Gift Giving Guide for Mom | Wilmington NC

It’s that time of the year again, the Holidays. Which means, as a wife and a mother, you add about 4000 more things to your to do list. That Instagram influencer who’s life seems perfect and your crazy large Pinterest boards are not helping with your obsession to make everything look and be perfect for your family this Holiday season. 
Wanna know what’s on my Christmas wish list?  When the stress of the holidays take over my life, I’ll be able to relax and go into introvert mode with these gifts. 
Gift cards 
Moms never, eva,  take time for themselves. Myself included. I couldn’t tell you the last time I treated my self to a spa day. I’m talking the works! Facial, massage, mani and pedi. That’s why a gift card from Harbour Club and Day Spa is on the list!  Uh, yes please! 
These next two gift cards are high up on my must have list for a reason! Seriously if I never had to clean my house again I would be the happiest person alive! lol! So I am asking my husband for a clean house in the New Year and telling him to call Amazing Space Professional Cleaning Service
A gift card from KinderStop will make my Christmas merry! Dropping my kids off at a safe and clean environment is the best for both me and my girls. This mama gets some much needed me time and my girls have fun! The introvert inside me is doing a little happy dance! 
Holiday gift guide for mom, amazon gifts, amazon Christmas 2019, Christmas gifts
Amazon wish list – This page contains Amazon affiliate links.
I know you’ve got one! Amazon is the best thing since sliced bread and even though I do try to buy local, Amazon is a mama’s best friend! Am I right?
 A weighted blanket is on my wish list this year. John bought one earlier this year and I’m kinda jealous! I’ve been secretly wanting ever since. 
So, when we were in Germany, I seriously had the best coffee of my life. My cousins have this amazing espresso machine. Unfortunately it’s crazy, stupid expensive. It’s on my amazon wish list but it’s definitely a dream. The coffee that went in the crazy, expensive espresso machine was Ah-mazing and you can get it on Amazon!  It’s sooo good and I’m definitely more of a coffee snob! Lol! 
And to fulfill my wine fix, I’m asking for new stemless wine glasses, I found these on Amazon and fell in love! So when the kids are fighting in the new year, I can pour a glass of wine and pretend like I’m somewhere else. 🤣
Holiday gift guide for mom, amazon gifts, amazon Christmas 2019, Christmas gifts
So those are the things that are on the top of my wish list this year. Leave a line below and let me know what helps you keep your sanity during the holidays! I would love to know what’s on your must have gift list! Maybe I’ll add it to mine! 😉
And don’t forget to ask for a gift card from Lesley Veronika Photography. Family photos win the New Year, yes please! 😉 They come in any denomination. Fill out the form below to grab your gift card! 
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