Lesley Veronika Photography

Generational Family Portraits | Howard Family Session

When your family visits allll the way from Germany you take generational family portraits at the beach.


So you probably don’t know this about me, my mom is from Germany. Half my family lives there. I miss them and Germany like crazy. We hold up German traditions and recipes in our house, such as Octoberfest and schnitzel. (Luckily my husband is part German and is also as obsessed with it as I am.) We try to get over there as much as possible but with the expensive flights and our crazy schedules, it’s not always so easy.

So when Janike, who married an American (like my mom), said her family is visiting and they’d like to take generational family portraits, I was thrilled . I loved to meet Janike’s family, her mom, dad, brother, and his family. When I heard the German dialect and accents, it brought me home.

Janike knew instantly she wanted family photos at Fort Fisher. Who doesn’t? It’s a gorgeous location. I met them all in the parking lot on a humid day in August. It was calling for rain all that week while Janike’s family was visiting. 🙁 We saw an opportunity earlier in the week and took it, the rain held out for that hour and a half on the beach and just as I got in my car to leave after the session it started raining.

Janike’s family was so sweet and I loved chatting with them about where they’re from, how often they visit the US, and where they’ve traveled. We talked about all this and more as I photographed their sweet families. We made sure to grab a variety of images among the amazing oaks and on the beach. Check out some of my favorites below and be sure to follow me on Instagram here.


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