Lesley Veronika Photography

Fort Fisher Family Session | Johnson Family

In a world where time seemingly flies by, moments of togetherness become even more important. The Johnson family understood the significance of cherishing their growing family. They wanted to capture this time in their lives with a Fort Fisher family session while on vacation. With their little boy, Ethan, who was about to turn three, and their adorable three-month-old daughter, Reese, they embarked on a journey to capture their beautiful family through a heartfelt Fort fisher family session. The magic of the live oaks and the beach at sunset was perfect for capturing this special moment of them going from a family of three to a family of four.

The Magic of Childhood

It is during this fleeting time that family portraits hold immense value, freezing  precious moments in time and allowing us to forever hold onto their expressions of joy and wonder.

By capturing their children’s journey, the Johnson’s are creating a tangible connection to their past, present, and future. The power of passing down these portraits through generations, will allow future family members to feel a deep sense of belonging, allowing these kiddos to live on long after they have moved into adult hood.

These portraits will become cherished heirlooms, allowing the Johnson family to revisit their children’s milestones and reminisce about the beautiful memories created during this family vacation.

Empowering Self-Expression

Family portraits have the incredible ability to tell stories without uttering a single word. The Johnson family’s portrait session becomes a narrative, capturing their unique personalities, dynamics, and emotions. From the tender moments between the parents to the sibling bond, we explore how family portraits encapsulate the affection and connection that make a family truly special.

These family portraits empower each member of the Johnson family to showcase their individuality and uniqueness. From Ethan’s mischievous smile and ohh did Ethan smile, to the Reese’s captivating innocence and sweet smiles, these portraits capture the essence of their personalities, fostering self-confidence and self-expression even at such a young age.

As cliche as it sounds, family portraits have the power to freeze time, allowing us to relive the love, joy, and growth experienced within our families. The Johnson family’s journey serves as a beautiful testament to the significance of family portraits in preserving memories and creating lasting legacies. May their story inspire others to embark on their own journey of capturing priceless moments with their loved ones.


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Fort Fisher Family Portraits, family photos, Kure beach NC family photographer Fort Fisher Family Portraits, family photos, Kure beach NC family photographer Fort Fisher Family Portraits, family photos, Kure beach NC family photographer Fort Fisher Family Portraits, family photos, Kure beach NC family photographer family session, fort fisher, family photographer, kids portraits Fort Fisher Family Portraits, family photos, Kure beach NC family photographer Fort Fisher Family Portraits, family photos, Kure beach NC family photographer Fort Fisher Family Portraits, family photos, Kure beach NC family photographer family session, fort fisher, family photographer, baby portraits family session, fort fisher, family photographer, kids portraits North carolina beach portraits

Fort Fisher Family Portraits, family photos, Kure beach NC family photographer


Want to book your very own Fort Fisher Family Session? Then fill out the form below and I will be in touch soon! Check out more on instagram here.

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