Lesley Veronika Photography

fall family portraits, fall session, family photographer, Wilmington NC family photography

Fall Family Portraits | Mommy Photography Program

Fall Family Portraits

When I was first planning the fall family portraits session, I was thinking I wanted to do something with a LOT of pumpkins, perhaps at a pumpkin patch and with bright, colorful leaves in the background. Well, this session ended up nothing like that! lol! Here in Eastern North Carolina the leaves don’t start changing until December. As a result, I get green leaves and warm weather. But I still really love the way this sessions set came out and I will take the warm weather. lol!

Mommy Photography Program

This event is for my Mommy Photography Program. Most of my events are centered around mom or family sessions, this event parents could choose whether it was family portraits, just the kiddos or mommy and me.

Families and their legacy

My first family that came decided they just wanted portraits of the kiddos. They’ve been in the program since the beginning so, Reagan and Paige know exactly what to do when they’re in front of my camera. Dad and Paige met me there first. As we were waiting for mom and Reagan to come, Paige found a giant stick that she carried around and I even took a portrait of her with the stick. lol! When Reagan got there I took portrait of her by herself also, and then the two of them together. Reagan always sits, smiles and knows exactly what I want!

The next family that came to my fall portrait session was Elle, Reilly and Mille. These three sweet sisters were not to happy about picture day… again. lol! This is their first year in the program and they are a joy to photograph. I photographed their family session last month at Topsail Beach. Reilly and Elle were not too excited to have their portrait taken but after a few clicks where smiling and snuggling with Millie. Millie is so much fun to photograph, her sweet little face would scrunch up, she hugged her pumpkin and sisters too and loved to sit and smile for me.

And my last family was Melissa and Rob and their sweet children. <3 This is their third year in the Mommy Photography Program and I am so honored to photograph their family every year. Mom told me Carter was especially tired that day but he did wonderful. He was a little silly but he sat, smiled and hugged and snuggled his sister, Lily. Lily as usual did a wonderful job following directs and smiling for me. Mom and dad jumped in for a few as well. I love it when parents join in too! Especially moms. Moms are never in their portraits with their families but its so important for moms to be present in those portraits as well. Melissa understands that one day her kids will look back at these moments and mom will be there with them. <3


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fall family portraits, fall session, family photographer, Wilmington NC family photography fall family portraits, fall session, family photographer, Wilmington NC family photography fall family portraits, fall session, family photographer, Wilmington NC family photography fall family portraits, fall session, family photographer, Wilmington NC family photography fall family portraits, fall session, family photographer, Wilmington NC family photography fall family portraits, fall session, family photographer, Wilmington NC family photography


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2 thoughts on “Fall Family Portraits | Mommy Photography Program”

  1. Pingback: 4th of July Portrait Session | Mommy Photography Program - Lesley Veronika Photography

  2. Pingback: Back to School - Mommy Photography Program - Lesley Veronika Photography

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