Lesley Veronika Photography

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Downtown Wilmington NC Family Photos | Judge Family Session

Jessie and Bryan’s Family Session in Downtown Wilmington NC

Jessie and Bryan are a photographers dream. They are a sweet, fun-loving couple. And absolutely adore their girls. They enjoyed their session thoroughly. We walked around Downtown Wilmington, NC. We found some fun ally ways and brick backdrops to photograph their beautiful family. This session wasn’t just about family photos, it was about enjoying their children. They strolled along holding their children’s  hands and literally stopped to smell the flowers.  This is everything I wish for and more when I photograph families. With this beautiful family it was difficult not to capture laughter and love.

Their sweet little girls had fun with their parents. They gave kisses and hugs and totted along beside Jessie and Bryan, just enjoying the beautiful weather and the busy downtown streets. This is what great family photography is all about… enjoying each other because before Jessie and Bryan know it, their kiddos will be grownup  starting families of their own. Childhood really does whisk by in the blink of an eye. Enjoy this moment, Bryan and Jessie, because tomorrow this moment is a memory. <3


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1 thought on “Downtown Wilmington NC Family Photos | Judge Family Session”

  1. Pingback: Cullen Family Session | Wilmington NC Family Photographer - Lesley Veronika Photography

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