Lesley Veronika Photography

Brantley Family Session

Ok I get it… all photographers say they’re obsessed with their family sessions but I truly am in LOVE with this family session. I have never done anything like this before. Natalie (Who I really am convinced is a Disney princess) and her beautiful family were a photographers dream. Her kids are seriously the most well behaved kids I have ever met. No seriously, I think they’re robots. 😉 HAHA! Not only are they all gorgeous, they are so sweet and loving with each other that it made my job incredible easy. It came so natural to them to be in each others company, to play with each other and just have fun during their session.

Then on top of the most amazing family ever, they live on a huge cattle farm. The land was absolutely stunning! I officially want to live on a farm now. No really, I do. There were huge fields, some with cows grazing. The fields had this incredible line of Oak trees at the far end. It looked like something out of a movie. At one point during the family session, we even saw deer running across the field just a few yards away from us. It felt like a story book or a Disney movie.


Then to top it, we photographed their session at sunset and had the most beautiful golden light. We spent time riding around their incredible farm, stopping at places they wanted portraits. Jantzen really wanted a portrait with his cows and it is my favorite image from the whole session. As the sun set we grabbed our last in front of their home and those are also so of my favorites. They were all pretty tired by then but the dogs were running around and the kids were just being silly. They were keepin’ it real! 😉


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