Lesley Veronika Photography

body positivity, family photography

“You are your worst critic” | Body Positivity

Have you done this?

Look in the mirror and find a flaw in your body and fixate on it until you hate that part of yourself. I think the quote, “You are your worst critic” is so true. We have spent most of our lives looking at photoshopped images of women that aren’t real and expecting ourselves to fit into that unrealistic standard of beauty. Well, I have some good news: you are beautiful in your own skin. Don’t focus too heavily on the media portrayal of women and their bodies. The average clothing size for women in the US is a 14, but most “plus size” models wear sizes 6-12.

Gaining body positivity is hard to say the least. It’s a daily struggle to love yourself. Trust me, you do not wake up every morning and absolutely love everything staring back at you in the mirror; sometimes you have off days. You just have to remind yourself that you are human and you will inevitably have stretch marks, and rolls, and blemishes. We all have imperfections and those are what give us individuality.

Learning to love the skin you’re in is tedious. Just start by remembering that you are judging yourself harsher than anyone else is. Trust me, no one is hyper-focused on that one pimple or how you look in that outfit. Just continue to tell yourself positive things until it becomes second nature. I challenge you to say something positive about yourself after every negative thought you have about your body. So instead of seeing a photo of you and focusing in on the aspects of yourself you want to change, name all the reasons you love yourself.

“Other women’s bodies are not our battlegrounds” – Rupi Kaur

Allowing yourself to be consumed by your own judgements is just holding you back from soaking in all the precious moments and memories life has to offer. Start some self-discipline to gain more and more body positivity. The more you show love for yourself, the more other women will follow suit. I think we all need to start the trend of building up other women instead of judging them.

I think we have all caught ourselves judging other women, but the more we make an effort to normalize normal bodies and build up other women’s confidence and body positivity, the easier it will get for us to perceive ourselves in a brighter light.

If you are looking for more body positivity influence check out the amazing Jenna Kutcher

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