Lesley Veronika Photography

archery, wilmington nc children photographer, Wilmington NC family photography, children photography, horse, family photos, tween photography, teen photographer,

Afton’s Session | Wilmington NC Children Photographer

I am so in love with this session and this girl! We photographed Afton’s session one evening in March at 1 Oak Equestrian Club in Hampstead NC. Afton is an amazing girl. She takes horse back riding with Suggs. He’s the horse. 😉 Suggs was too funny. It was dinner time so he was a bit wound up. He kept pushing Afton so she would take him back to his stall to eat. We got some really sweet ones with Suggs snuggling up to her.

After we took photos of these two friends Suggs went to his stall and got to eat his bucket of oats. Afton and I took more photos. Among Afton’s amazing achievements of teaching her self calculus and horse back riding, she also competes in archery. I channeled my inner Katness Everdeen and we got some really cool photos of Afton with her archery equipment. And this summer Afton will be getting certified for scuba diving! 

archery, wilmington nc children photographer, Wilmington NC family photography, children photography, horse, family photos, tween photography, teen photographer, archery, wilmington nc children photographer, Wilmington NC family photography, children photography, horse, family photos, tween photography, teen photographer, archery, wilmington nc children photographer, Wilmington NC family photography, children photography, horse, family photos, tween photography, teen photographer, archery, wilmington nc children photographer, Wilmington NC family photography, children photography, horse, family photos, tween photography, teen photographer, archery, wilmington nc children photographer, Wilmington NC family photography, children photography, horse, family photos, tween photography, teen photographer, archery, wilmington nc children photographer, Wilmington NC family photography, children photography, horse, family photos, tween photography, teen photographer, archery, wilmington nc children photographer, Wilmington NC family photography, children photography, horse, family photos, tween photography, teen photographer,


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